
Minneapolis Review

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Diverse applicants wanted for Minneapolis Audit Committee


Audit | Flickr

Audit | Flickr

The newly revised Audit Committee is now seeking applications from anyone interested in serving as one of its four community representatives. It’s the first call for applicants since the restructuring of audit functions under the new Office of City Auditor.

The Audit Committee oversees the work of the City Auditor, with the mission of bringing accountability, transparency and efficiency to all City departments and divisions. Working with the City Auditor, committee members help the City identify and manage a broad range of risks through programmatic audits. Committee members also help shape the audit plan, provide feedback on audit reports and help ensure audit findings are properly addressed.

“Our Audit Department has grown beyond the realm of traditional financial transaction auditing, and we need residents from a wide variety of backgrounds to help oversee the work,” said City Council Vice President Linea Palmisano, who chairs the Audit Committee.

Previous projects involving the Audit Committee include reviews of off-duty and overtime police work, hiring and promotions processes, sexual assault kit processing, IT and cybersecurity controls, and mobile device management.

The Office of the City Auditor includes the Internal Audit division, which existed prior to restructuring, as well as a new Policy and Research division, which plays an active role in the City’s legislative process. The office retains independence by reporting to the Audit Committee instead of to the mayor or the City Council.

The Audit Committee structure was also updated to include four seats reserved for community members and two seats for council members to appoint. That’s up from two resident and three council member seats under the previous structure.

The City is encouraging residents with interests in government operations, business process improvement, oversight and evaluation, or risk management to learn more about the work of the City Auditor and consider applying to be on the Audit Committee.

For more information on applying, go to the City’s website, call 612-673-2216 or email OpenAppointments@minneapolismn.gov.

Original source can be found here.