
Minneapolis Review

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Minneapolis Salvation Army officials quiet on HQ-led call for white donors to ‘lament, repent and apologize’ for racism


Salvation Army provides help to the community. | salvationarmyflorida.org

Salvation Army provides help to the community. | salvationarmyflorida.org

Officials of the Minneapolis branch of the Salvation Army remain quiet on the organization's demand that white donors "apologize" for racism and on calls by critics to repudiate the statement.

The Salvation Army of the Twin Cities hasn't issued a public statement or addressed the matter on its Facebook page or Twitter account.

The demands were made earlier this year by the Salvation Army's Alexandria, Va.-based leadership, which released training materials to educate its white donors, volunteers and employees.

The materials call on white donors to the Salvation Army "to stop denying the existence of individual and systemic/institutional racism.” 

“They exist and are still at work to keep White Americans in power," they said.

"Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin," one lesson explains. "There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith, and to live faithfully in today’s world."

Color Us United, a group "created to speak out against those who want to divide America," has demanded the Salvation Army "release a statement making clear that America isn’t a racist country."

The Salvation Army removed the training materials on Nov. 25, announcing it wasn't its "intention" to ask whites to apologize for being racist.

The Salvation Army of the Twin Cities is located at 2445 Prior Ave. North. It has 31 advisory board members.


Salvation Army Minneapolis Advisory Board

Advisory Panel memberAffiliated Business, if Available
Tom ErdmannN/A
Andy SchweizerWheelhouse Capital LLC.
Don ArchibequePlanifi LLC.
Rev. Greg BodinN/A
Christopher BurnsHenson & Efron, PA
Craig DiLorenzo3M
Drinal FosterWells Fargo
Dan HagenN/A
Louis Henry Jr.N/A
Douglas HileKleinBank
Christopher HuntN/A
Ezell JonesAssociated Insurance Agents, Inc.
Suzanne KellyN/A
Dr. Miriam KimKIM Neurosurgery
Aileen LyleUniversity of Minnesota
Paul NelsonN/A
James ReaganN/A
Stephanie RossiJNBA Financial Advisors
Lori SimpsonN/A
Chuck SlocumThe Williston Group
Debra SpillaneN/A
Jack SpillaneN/A
Donna SvendsenServeMinnesota
Renee WagnerN/A
Nancy WeidenfellerNancy Weidenfeller Consulting
Paul WeirtzAT&T Minnesota
Jean WestbergN/A
Brandon BomarN/A
Y. Marc BeltonN/A
David FrauenshuhFrauenshuh Companies
Matt FrauenshuhFourteen Foods
Source: Metric Media News Service